Self-Levelling Overlays & Micro-toppings

Self-Levelling Overlays and Micro-toppings

Similar to epoxy coating, (another service we provide), Self-levelling overlays are a cement compound, which is laid over the top of a pre-existing surface that creates an extremely flat, durable and hard surface. After this compound is laid, it has the versatility to be covered by carpet, tile or laminate, or left completely exposed due to its cement-based durability.

Self-levelling overlays, however, are still different too typical concrete slabs as they do not raise the surface of the floor significantly at all due to it serving more as a thick coating. Self-levelling overlays are fairly thin and typically are only ½ inch in thickness.

Advantages: installing self-levelling overlays is a fairly time effective job and in many ways quick and easy as it is faster than pouring entirely new concrete. In addition to this, self-levelling overlays are a good concreting option in the correction of uneven floors, repairing damaged concrete and have a decorative purpose alongside all of the structural advantages it brings.


Micro-toppings are used by our team in the pursuit of enhancing the look of the concrete by laying a cement-based coating, which is capable of being coloured with the use of colourfast or dyed and stained to the desired look of the customer.

Micro toppings are essentially used as a way to liven up old plain concrete that may have structural damage as well.

However, micro-toppings is not only used to liven up old spaces but also have many advantages, which include;

  • Versatility
  • Design variety
  • Durability

Call For a Quote:

0414 250 515


Can self-levelling overlays be coloured?
Just like any other concrete flooring option, you can stain/colour self-levelling concrete. In fact, many patterns can be achieved when colouring self-levelling concrete. The only thing you cant do to self-levelling concrete is stamp it.
How long until you can walk on self-levelling concrete?
The time in which the floor is ready for use can vary depending on the project and area. However, the flooring typically sets between 2 to 8 hours but for the best answer possible contact us.
How thick is micro-topping cement?
The thickness of the flooring depends on the number of coats applied. In most cases, each coat is around 1/16 inch thick.


Epoxy & Seamless Flooring

Epoxy is an extremely safe coating for your concrete surface. It is shock, slip and water-resistant and is used mostly in industrial settings as it protects against chemical spill damage.

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Concrete Polishing

Polished concrete floors are a great alternative to more expensive flooring such as marble, granite, tile, or coated concrete. It has terrific density, durability and is low maintenance.
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Honed Concrete

Produces a smooth levelled out matte concrete finish for outdoor settings, which is heavily slip-resistant due to penetrative sealers.

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Contact Us

0414 250 515

Opening Hours

Mon – Fri: 7:00am – 6:00pm
Sat: 7:00am – 6:00pm